
Happy Birthday Uncle Don

Dear Uncle Don,
When I think back on memories of you, so many of them are associated with your position with the Cougars. As a kid it was the coolest thing to see you on TV coaching those young men on to victory. Each game I watched I was seriously engaged from my living room cheering the Coogs on. As I have grown I become more aware of what you really did with your time at Uof H. You did not just coach players, you invested into young men's lives with your own life. National rankings, Cotton Bowl victories, and the like are enjoyable at the time and denote a level of success. The problem with success is that it is only temporary. You however have been pouring your life into something much more than temporal success. Through your faith, example, love, and compassion you have invested your life into the lives of others that has produced men of character & faith. By the worlds' standards that may not be considered successful, but our Lord considers your life one of significance. You have helped develop in others that which will not fade with time - you have developed faith and character. Those are eternal. Thank you for providing an example to so many. For remaining faithful man of integrity when those in authority over you were not. You are one of my heros. Happy Birthday. Phil Todd

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