
Coach you made it to the Goal Line and scored

Coach Todd 70?  Geez it is hard to believe how time flies.  Congratulations and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Coach!  It is a testament to your faith and to you as a person that you are so loved, admired and respected by so many after so long.  Everyone of us has our own unique story about you, and how you influenced us.  It is very rewarding that you remember each one of us individually as well.  From a Carter High School football players perspective, you inspired us to play together and to play our best.  We just wanted to do our best to show you, to make you proud of us.  It was quite a reward to get a "good job" from you.  But the best reward we all strained and pushed and ran as fast as we could was to get a smile from you and a slap on the helmet.  It meant so much to all of us.

Thanks for everything, and thanks for believing in us.  We believe in you.

Ken Noles

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