
Happy 70th Birthday Mr Todd!!!

I'm so happy to get the chance to tell you Happy Birthday in such a special way! You are an incredible man worthy of recognition and thanks! When I look at you or think about you, so many qualities come to mind. I guess my first thought is that you're a man of strong faith. A definite role model and inspiration to everyone. I admire and respect your devotion to God and your family. With your faith and love for God, I see your love for your family and all those you touch. When I think of you, I see a teacher. I think of strength, love, honor, honesty, integrity, wisdom, dedication, the "right" thing to do, strong morals, consistency, and a heart for others. For as long as I've known Jenn, I've enjoyed listening as she talks so admirably about you. She is so blessed to have you & Kay as parents, and she knows it!! Thank you for all the smiles, hugs, and words of support and encouragement you've given me throughtout the years. Thanks for opening your arms to me and making me feel a part of your wonderful family!! I love and admire you, and I wish you the most wonderful & happy birthday!!!

Love, Debbie

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