

WHERE do you begin to "define" Coach Todd? "Grace" comes to mind... not a particularly manly sounding word...but nonethless... it's "undeserved acceptance of love received from another especially the characteristic attitude of God in providing salvation for sinners" (Kelly Minter). Coach Todd has shown me that "grace" of undeserved acceptance of love...characteristic of God and the attitude of God. He has blessed me beyond measure with his kindness, wisdom, support, hospitality, prayers, love, friendship and as a "Godfather" to our son. I am so thankful that God carved my path to include Coach Todd in my life. He has modeled such courage in trials and a faith that can move mountains. He models a work ethic that not only brings blessing, but IS the blessing! He loves his family with a heart as big as Texas. Thank you, Coach Todd, for your friendship. A friend loves at all times and you are that friend to me.

xxxooo - Elaine Ebner

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